1:1 Behaviour Consult
Here at Tricky Dog Training, we treat every dog and situation as individually and specifically as they truly are. With at home visits we make sessions natural and comfortable allowing your dog to be themselves and thrive under our, and your guidance.
1:1 consults last between 60-90 minutes and are fully tailored to each and every dog.
Included in your session
- 60-90 minutes 1:1 with TDT Behaviourist
- Hands on walk throughs throughout the session
- Equipment demonstrations and recommendations (if required)
- Personalised behaviour report and behaviour training plan for your pet sent to you following your consult
- Ongoing communication and support following your consult with your Behaviourist
Intensive Reactivity Blocks
5x sessions
Over 1-2 weeks
$450 one time payment
Reactivity in dogs is something that requires consistency and intensity to be able to overcome along with exposure to their trigger, in a controlled environment regularly, allowing for the best, stress free opportunity to succeed.
Who with?
1:1 with me and my dogs.
Reactivity is scary for both owners and their dogs, therefore keeping sessions controlled, with known dogs, calm and small, I believe, allows for the best result
Walk and Train
Walk and train allows you to relax, knowing your dog is being looked after, mentally and physically whilst you're working, sick, out for the day or simply struggling to manage them yourself.
- Regular walking
- Training during the walk
- Mental and physical stimulation
- Qualified, trusted trainer
These can be booked ad hoc, when needed, or routinely to suit your schedule
Contact me today!
Group Reactivity Sessions
*For clients who have completed the 1:1 intensive reactivity block*
These group sessions are offered as a 2nd phase to the 1:1 reactivity block and are offered sporadically when numbers allow.
Surrounded by supportive and understanding fellow dog owners, we will immerse you into a journey of engagement and connection with your dog, followed by confidence building around 1-2 other dogs, finishing with walking as a pack.